You are cordially invited to partake in 

Gifted Nourishment

Food for the New Paradigm

Presenter: Dale Pallotta has had over 30 years of experience in the health-food industry. She grew up with many food allergies that she was able to overcome because of her extensive knowledge in this field. Dale was introduced to the european-style of cooking since childhood and now combines the two cultures, creating her own style of healthy cooking for herself and her family.

Workshop dates: Saturdays to be announced

Time: 2:00-4:00 PM

Location: TBA. If you would like to host a session contact Dale (828) 586-8519

Tuition: $140 for 4 sessions, paid in advance $125, single session $40

For information about workshop plans call Dale: (828) 586-8519

Limited to 10 participants, RSVP required asap.


• Nourishment through healthy eating habits

• Learn to choose affordable, organic, locally-grown, seasonal foods

• Take home to your kitchen fast, simple, and healthy recipes

• Acquire the ability to present beautiful, gourmet meals

If you are interested please respond to: